Members of the Ancient & Acceped Rite in East Cheshire meet in Chapters Rose Croix, usually three times a year.
Every new member is Perfected in to a Chapter in a colourful and interesting ceremony of Perfection and becomes a Prince Rose Croix 18th Degree. A new Sovereign is Enthroned in each Chapter annually and he installs and invests his team of officers for the year. The ceremonies of Perfection and Enthronement are the only ceremonies worked in a Chapter Rose Croix. The Inspector General visits each of the Chapters in his District at least once every year usually at the Enthronement meeting.
Meetings of a Chapter are followed by an extremely convivial dinner or lunch which includes short toasts and limited responses.
Upon successfully completing a year in the Chair of a Chapter as Most Wise Sovereign a member is invited to become a joining member of the Past Sovereigns' Chapter in the District.
After installing his successor every Sovereign is eligible for election to the 30th Degree providing he has successfully carried out the ceremonial of the Order and is worthy of promotion. He must then be elected to the 30th Degree by Supreme Council and attend a special ceremony held at the headquarters of the Order in London. Promotion to the 31st and 32nd Degrees is reserved for members who have served the Order with distinction.
The District holds an Annual General Meeting, usually around Easter time which is hosted by its Past Sovereigns' Chapter and moves around the District from year to year. Every member regardless of rank or seniority is encouraged to attend the AGM which is followed by a very pleasant lunch hosted by the Inspector General.
To promote fun and friendship in the District we run initiaives such as the Travelling Toby Jug and Demonstration Team, to find out more please see below.