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From around the District...


The Inspector General for the District of East Cheshire announced the launch of a District tie at the District Annual General Meeting held at Knutsford on 1st September.

Whilst two Chapters in the District; Staveleigh and Silk, have ther own ties the District itself has never had one.

Many members wear a black or dark blue tie with white spots and although these are sold by regalia suppliers as Rose Croix ties the Ancient & Accepted Rite does not actually have an official tie.

In fact the convention is that virtually any tie can be worn to a Rose Croix Chapter other than the Craft Tie, a black tie or a tie decorated with roses!

The new District tie which bears a representation of the 18th Degree jewel together with a shield bearing three wheatsheafs; associated with the Toft family and symbolising Cheshire has been designed to encourage a wider sense of belonging to the District and not just a Chapter amongst members. It is hoped this will help to encourage intervisiting alongside initiatives such as the travelling Toby Jug.

The District's thanks go to Ill.Bro. Iain Lochrie who is Recorder of Silk Chapter and in charge of Special Projects & Events in the District for his work in assisting with the design and production of the ties.

Ties are available from this website or the District Recorder priced at £15.

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The 2021/22 Season in the District got off to a flying start with the much delayed East Cheshire District Annual General Meeting held at Knutsford Masonic Hall on Wednesday 1 September 2021; the first of eight Chapter meetings to be held in the District in September.

At the meeting held under the Warrant of Toft Chapter Rose Croix 897, Princes from all 12 Rose Croix Chapters in the District witnessed the immediate past District Recorder; Ill.Bro. Simon Hay 31st Degree, Enthroned as Most Wise Sovereign of Toft Chapter.

A delightful Enthronement Ceremony expertly conducted by Ill.Bro. David Hinde 30th Degree, was followed by District business and a tour de force demonstration of the Ceremony of Perfection from the East Cheshire District Demonstration Team led by Ill.Bro. Roger Currie 30th Degree Elect.

The Inspector General for East Cheshire; V.Ill. Bro. Nigel Cooper 33rd Degree, addressed the meeting and announced the launch of the new District tie which is now on sale and the launch of Rose Table Evenings to support recruitment in his Chapters.

Inspector General; Nigel Cooper (right), deep in conversation with newly Enthroned Sovereign; Simon Hay

The Inspector General hosted a very convivial social board during which Ill.Bro. Colin Sansom 32nd Degree, celebrated 20 years to the day as a member of Toft Chapter Rose Croix.

Colin Sansom

The Annual General Meeting of East Cheshire District will return to its usual date around Easter time for 2022 and will

be held at Willaston following the tradition of holding the annual meeting at the "home" hall of the Sovereign of Toft Chapter.

A new tradition established at this meeting is that the District Recorder will henceforth also act as Recorder of Toft Chapter and the leader of the District Demonstration Team will hold office as either Director of Ceremonies or Assistant Director of Ceremonies in the Chapter.

Toft Chapter itself has now converted from a Higher Degrees Chapter to a Past Sovereigns' Chapter.

All Past Sovereigns in the District are welcome to apply for membership and every reigning Sovereign of the Chapters in the District will be invited to join Toft Chapter upon Enthroning his successor.

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In a letter to all members of the Ancient & Accepted Rite The Supreme Council set out the plans to resume activities in the Order timed to coincide with UGLE’s announcement last week in line with HM Government’s decision to move to Step Four of the ‘roadmap to recovery’ with effect from Monday, 19th July 2021, when most legal restrictions brought about by the Coronavirus pandemic will be removed.

Whilst expecting members to continue to act with common sense and respect, no additional restrictions beyond those required by law will be in place from 1st September 2021 allowing all Chapters to resume meetings as normal.

Whilst it is recognised that the ending of physical distancing restrictions does not mean an end to Coronavirus, which will continue to have an impact on our lives for many years to come, the business of the Chapters in the District can begin again.

The season in East Cheshire kicks off with the much delayed Annual General Meeting to be held in Knutsford on Wednesday 1 September and there is much to look forward to. Apart from a backlog of Perfection ceremonies, Silk Chapter will be celebrating its 25th Anniversary in Macclesfield with Good Shepherd Chapter and Cheshire St. Thomas Chapter both due to celebrate their 75th anniversaries in Nantwich and Stockport respectively.

There are past Sovereigns of Chapters who have been elected to the 30th Degree and are awaiting trips to London for their ceremonies as well as promotions to the 31st Degree to look forward to.

Several Chapters in the District already have a full programme for their meetings this season and with special events and the launch of the Rose Table Evenings as well as Demo Team performances it is certain to be an exciting year ahead - watch this space!

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