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King Edward VII Demonstration - Intermediate Degrees

Every year the King Edward VII Rose Croix Chapter of Improvement Demonstration Team by permission of the Supreme Council conduct a demonstration of one or two of the Intermediate Degrees from the 4th to the 17th degrees.


Every Rose Croix Prince is encouraged to attend at least one of these demonstrations and see the Intermediate Degrees which have been conferred on him by name being worked in extensio.


The published programme is:


In 2024, demonstrations of the 17° will be given on: Monday 29th April at Freemasons’ Hall, London; Saturday 8th June at Gateshead Masonic Hall, Gateshead and Wednesday 17th July at Kings Heath Freemasons Hall, Birmingham.




By permission of the Supreme Council, virtual Chapters of Improvement are being held three times a year the, in April, July and October on Zoom for those who cannot attend the live Chapters of Improvement at 10 Duke Street, St James.

To take part in one of the virtual Chapters of Improvement a Prince will have to apply by e-mail to Peter Lambert 31st Degree who is Recorder of the King Edward VII Rose Croix Chapter of Improvement at above no less than 7 days prior to the scheduled meeting who will send them a zoom link.

Applications to take part will have to include the applicant's full name and the name and Chapter number to ensure only qualified Princes are admitted to the meeting.

If any Prince wishes to deliver any of the points as Most Wise Sovereign, they will need to advise in their initial e-mail. The work will be allocated on a first come first served basis.

During the Chapter of Improvement all attendees will be muted other than the Prince delivering the point, the Preceptor providing the usual guidance and the Director of Ceremonies who will also read out the rubric to keep the point flowing.


Further details are available on the KEVII website here

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