Welcome to the
East Cheshire Rose Table
Rose Table evenings are a vital recruitment resource for Chapters in the District of East Cheshire.
Rose Table Events are a great way to recruit, fill your meeting calendar and strengthen your Chapter.
Book the District Demonstration Team to carry out the Rose Table presentation.
​Invite Non-Rose Croix Masons to attend the meeting and dine as your guests.
Contact the District Recorder or Demonstration Team Leader.
What Is a Rose Table Evening?
Launched at the District Annual General Meeting at Willaston on 9 April 2022 the inaugural Rose Table Presentation took place watched by representatives from every Chapter in the District and attended by eight Candidates in Waiting and Prospective Candidates.
A Rose Table Evening is an event hosted by your Chapter or your Royal Arch Chapter and supported by a District Presentation Team.
Your Chapter will open as normal and transact the minimum amount of business before Closing. Your Chapter will invite as many Master Masons as possible who will be admitted to the Chapter Room and receive an interesting and enjoyable presentation delivered by the District Presentation Team.
The Presentation begins with the Master Masons being led into the Chapter Room by the Marshal and Raphael of your Chapter with swords at the carry to Handel's Messiah Part 2 "He Was Despised".
With the room lights dimmed and atmospheric red lighting
illuminating the three presenters an engaging presentation is
accompanied by thought provoking images on a large screen lasting
20 minutes and concluding with a 10 minute question and answer
Each invited Master Mason will join the Chapter members at the
social board and be seated with a Chapter Member acting as
sponsor at the social board to answer questions and lead him on a
journey to membership and beyond.
​Your District supporting your Chapter to achieve success.
​Did you know..?